1. loon::UsAndThem
    Data to re-create Hans Rosling's famous "Us and Them" animation
  2. loon::minority
    Canadian Visible Minority Data 2006
  3. loon::olive
    Fatty Acid Composition of Italian Olive Oils
  4. loon::oliveAcids
    Just the Fatty Acid Composition of Italian Olive Oils
  5. loon::oliveLocations
    Geographic location of each Italian olive growing area named in the 'olive' data.
  6. loon.data::SAheart
    South African Heart Disease Data
  7. loon.data::SCmolecule
    A protein/DNA complex molecule from Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
  8. loon.data::alaska_forest
    Cooperative Alaska Forest Inventory data
  9. loon.data::binaryalphadigits
    Binary Alphadigits
  10. loon.data::blocks
    A set of 100 plastic "blocks"
  11. loon.data::bone
    Relative Spinal Bone Mineral Density Data
  12. loon.data::bone_ext
    Spinal Bone Mineral Density (Extended) Data
  13. loon.data::covidNZ
    Covid 19 Case Data New Zealand
  14. loon.data::crabSpecies
    Colour and Sex of Rock Crabs
  15. loon.data::diabetes
    Diabetes Data from Andrews and Herzberg
  16. loon.data::digits
    USPS Handwritten Digits
  17. loon.data::elements
    The first 118 chemical elements
  18. loon.data::faces
    Olivetti Faces
  19. loon.data::frey
    Frey Faces
  20. loon.data::igg1
    Human immunoglobulin G1 antibody molecule
  21. loon.data::judgment
    Judgment samples of plastic blocks
  22. loon.data::lepto
    Rock Crabs (Leptograpsus variegatus) data
  23. loon.data::lightspeeds
    Historical Determinations of the Speed of Light
  24. loon.data::lizards
    A fictional data set on lizards perch choices
  25. loon.data::medicalRecords
    Mining medical records (fictional)
  26. loon.data::michelson_1879
    A.A. Michelson's 1879 Determinations of the Speed of Light
  27. loon.data::minority
    Canadian Visible Minority Data 2006
  28. loon.data::ordalphadigits
    Binary Alphadigits Isomap
  29. loon.data::ordfrey
    Frey Faces Isomap
  30. loon.data::pandemic
    Fictional pandemic data
  31. loon.data::placenamesCanada
    Canadian place names and their geo-locations.
  32. loon.data::trtPan
    Fictional pandemic data (with treatment variable)
  33. qqtest::WachusettReservoir
    Storage, in millions of gallons daily per square mile of net land area, at the Wachusett Reservoir in Massacusetts - storage computed for each of several rates of draft (draft being a determined maintainable flow in 1,000s of gallons per square mile daily).
  34. qqtest::bacteria
    Bacteria from Delaware River water entering the Torresdale Filter of the Philadelphia water supply 1913.
  35. qqtest::penicillin
    31 contrast sums from a 32 run 2^(5-0) factorial experiment on penicillin production.
  36. qqtest::primer
    Automobile primer paint thickness quality control measurements.
  37. qqtest::pullstrength
    Strength of pull for 519 males aged 23-26.
  38. qqtest::sittingHeights
    Sitting height in inches of female adults (aged 23-50).
  39. qqtest::stacklossDistances
    Mahalanobis squared distances of Brownlee's stack loss plant operation data based only on the explanatory variates (air flow, water temperature, and acid concentration).
  40. zenplots::de_elect
    German Election Data from 2002 and 2005
  41. zenplots::happiness
    World Happiness Data Set
  42. zenplots::olive
    Olive Oil Data Set
  43. zenplots::wine
    Wine Data Set